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Upper Southampton Basketball

Upper Southampton Basketball

General Information

Welcome to the 2024-2025 Winter In-House (Intramural) Basketball CO-ED League
for Upper Southampton!

In-House is geared towards the K-through 6th grade children
who primarily do not play at the travel level.

Knight Helmet Vector Images (over 7,900)

Registration is opening 10/26/2024 at 4pm and up until 11/30/2024 at 9pm (or earlier if capacity limits are met).  Leagues will be formed in December and practices and games begin first (or second) week of January
More Details of start date for each team/division will be posted in late December after divisions/teams are formed.

We are still looking for volunteers!  

Those that offered to help we will be reaching out during the registration process!   
Without parents stepping up to coach, we will not be able to have teams/league-- so please step up!


The Southampton Basketball In-House (intramural) program is strictly recreational meaning its primary purpose is 
to promote participation, with the related goals of improved physical fitness, and social interaction with peers.  Our program is the perfect fit for a variety of  individuals ranging from those who wish for an introduction to the game at a fundamental level to those who wish to practice their refined skills in a casual environment.  

The co-ed in-house league promotes active, healthy lifestyles while providing opportunities for leadership and maintaining the ideals of good sportsmanship.    The intramural program brings players of all ability levels together for fun, safe and structured play that lend directly to  the physical, mental and social development of every child.  

Leagues will be determined by the number and ages of participants.  Typically the league is made up of  3-4 divisions in the league.  The divisions can vary based on participation, but the following represents a typical breakdown of the In-House age groups:   
K-1st grade, 2-3rd grade, and 4-6 grade.  

Last year we had 8 teams in the K-1 div.; 6 teams in the 2-3 div.; and 4 teams in the 4-6 div.--  number of teams will depend on registration numbers and gym space availability.

Our program is solely managed and ran by volunteers.  We ask that every family consider contributing to the program or their child's team in some way:  coaching, training, organizing, book/clock keeping, etc.  If you are interested in helping out your community, please make mention on the registration form.

Registration Information

• Registration deadline is 11/30/2024 or when we reach our allotted numbers to allow our organization to properly plan for the upcoming season.  
***Due to limited Gym Space, limited Gym Time, and limited Volunteers, we can only host a certain amount of players in each division.  When a division fills up, then that division will be CLOSED to any further registrants.  When a division fills up prior to the registration deadline (which typically occurs), you will no longer see the applicable division for your child; meaning, if your child is supposed to be in the K-1 division and the K-1 division is filled, and you enter the registration portal, you may see other programs (such as 2nd-3rd grade division, or 4-6 division) BUT the K-1 division will no longer be an option as it disappears when it is filled up.

With that in mind: 1) register early, 2) YOU CANNOT REGISTER YOUR CHILD FOR A DIVISION THAT IS NOT SPECIFICALLY FOR THEIR GRADE; if you do so, you will be refunded your money, less any processing fees, and your child will not be permitted to join the incorrect division;  again- do NOT sign up for the wrong division; if it is no longer available (visible on your screen to register for), then the program is closed.

• All registrations are online. (Reminder: You can use last year’s username and password under “Register” and then “Already have an account?”)
• Please consider volunteering to coach a team! You will be asked to respond to a question regarding coaching during the registration process. 
• Please refer to the refund policy.


(after 2/1/25 games)


Blue         4-0
Purple      2-2
Red          1-3
Green       1-3


Green        3-1
Black         3-1
Blue           3-1
Purple        2-2
Red            1-3
Orange       0-4

LEAGUE OVERVIEW- Team Practice Schedule & Game Schedule


The league will begin the week of Monday January 6th, 2025 and run through the 3rd or 4th week of March 2025 ; each division has different start dates and end dates.  We will keep the last week of March open for potential rescheduling due to snow or health-based closures.


K - 1st Schedule

All K-1 will be played on Saturday mornings

All K-1 games are at Southampton Community Center

First two weeks of the season will be skills/drills & practice 
The remainder of the season will be 30 min of skills/ drills with the remaining 30 mins used for game time

Team Red: Jim Zogorski & Ashleigh Newlin

Team Blue: David Taylor, Craig Miller

Team Green: Steve O'onnell

Team Purple: Kevin Lynch & Avery Kocur

Team Orange: Jon Schernecke & Rus Chichkin

Team Black: Ed Woltemate

Team Pink: Michael Beverly 

Team Gray: Joe DiPipi




January 11th

8:15-9:15 am Skills & Drills / Practice        

                Teams: Red, Blue, Green, & Purple

9:15-10:15 am Skills & Drills / Practice     

                Teams: Orange, Black, Pink, & Gray

January 18th

8:15-9:15 am Skills & Drills / Practice        

                Teams: Red, Blue, Green, & Purple

9:15-10:15 am Skills & Drills / Practice     

                Teams: Orange, Black, Pink, & Gray


January 25th 

8:15-9:15 am Team Red vs Team Blue

                        Team Green vs Team Purple                                       

9:15-10:15 am Team Orange vs Team Black

                        Team Pink vs Team Gray

February 1st

8:15-9:15 am Team Red vs Team Green

                        Team Blue vs Team Purple                                         

9:15-10:15 am Team Pink vs Team Black

                        Team Orange vs Team Gray

February 8th

8:15-9:15 am Team Red vs Team Purple

                        Team Green vs Team Blue                                    

9:15-10:15 am Team Orange vs Team Pink

                        Team Black vs Team Gray

February 15th

8:15-9:15 am Team Blue vs Team Orange

                        Team Green vs Team Black                                    

9:15-10:15 am Team Red vs Team Gray

                        Team Purple vs Team Pink


February 22th

8:15-9:15 am Team Blue vs Team Black

                        Team Green vs Team Orange              

9:15-10:15 am Team Red vs Team Pink

                        Team Purple vs Team Gray

March 1st

8:15-9:15 am Team Red vs Team Orange

                        Team Green vs Team Gray                                       

9:15-10:15 am Team Blue vs Team Pink

                        Team Purple vs Team Black


March 8th

8:15-9:15 am Team Red vs Team Black

                        Team Green vs Team Pink                                              

9:15-10:15 am Team Blue vs Team Gray

                        Team Purple vs Team Orange

March 15th

8:15-9:15 am Team Red vs Team Blue

                        Team Green vs Team Purple                                           

9:15-10:15 am Team Orange vs Team Black

                        Team Pink vs Team Gray

Coaches run the games with instructional On-Court assistance; No Score is kept, no playoffs; Coaches decide what fouls are called.  Focus is on teaching fundamentals


2nd & 3rd Grade DIVISION:

Practice: Davis Elementary School.


TEAMS Purple & Red will practice from 6:15pm – 7:00pm

TEAMS Blue & Orange will practice from 7:00pm - 7:45pm

TEAMS Green & Black will practice from 7:45pm – 8:30pm


Games Nights: Davis Elementary School

Games will be 6:15pm – 7:15pm

Games will be 7:15pm – 8:15pm

Games will be 8:15pm – 9:15pm

1 certified referee per game 

6 teams in the league 


Team Red: Coach: Winslow

Team Blue: Coach: Saur

Team Green: Coach: DiPipi

Team Purple: Coach:Sullock

Team Orange: Coach: Deering

Team Black: Coach:Shead



Wednesday, January 8th – Practice

Friday January 10th - Game [6:15pm: Red v. Blue - 7:15pm: Green v. Purple - 8:15pm: Orange v. Black]

Wednesday, January 15th – Practice

Friday January 17th - Game [6:15pm: Purple v. Black - 7:15pm: Blue v. Orange - 8:15pm: Red v. Green]

Wednesday January 22th – Practice

Friday January 24th - Game  [6:15pm: Green v. Orange – 7:15pm: Purple v. Red - 8:15pm: Blue v. Black]

Wednesday January 29th – Practice

Friday January 31st - Game[6:15pm: Blue v. Purple - 7:15pm: Green v. Black - 8:15pm: Red v. Orange]

Wednesday February 5th- Game [6:15pm: Purple v. Orange – 7:15pm: Black v. Red – 8:15pm: Green v. Blue]

Friday February 7th - NO GAMES - SCHOOL CLOSED (games played Wednesday 2/5)

Wednesday February 12th – Practice

Friday February 14th – Game [6:15pm: Red v. Blue - 7:15pm: Orange v. Black - 8:15pm: Green v. Purple]

Wednesday February 19th - Practice

Friday February 21st – Game [6:15pm: Purple v. Black - 7:15pm: Blue v. Orange - 8:15pm: Red v. Green]

Wednesday February 26th - Practice

Friday February 28th - Game [6:15pm: Orange v. Green - 7:15pm: Red v. Purple - 8:15pm: Blue v. Black]

Wednesday March 5th– Practice

Friday March 7th - Game [6:15pm: Green v. Black - 7:15pm: Red v. Orange – 8:15pm: Blue v. Purple]

Wednesday March 12th - Practice

Friday March 14th  - Championship Night!!

5th Place Game-6:15pm:  (5)  vs (6)

3rd Place Game-7:15pm:  (3) vs (4)

Championship Game-8:15pm:  (1) vs (2) 

4th - 6th Grade DIVISION:

Tuesday Practice: Davis Elementary School.              


Teams Blue & Purple will practice from 6:15pm – 7:15pm

Teams Red & Green will practice from 7:15pm – 8:15pm

Saturday Games: Southampton Community Center

Games will be 10:30am – 11:30am

Games will be 11:30am – 12:30pm


4 teams in the league 


Team Red: Coach: Deering

Team Blue: Coach: Dolson

Team Green: Coach: Wojtusik

Team Purple: Coach: Dale


Tuesday January 7th – Practice

Saturday January 11th - Game [10:30 am: Red v. Blue; 11:30 am: Green v. Purple]

Tuesday January 14th – Practice

Saturday January 18th - Game [10:30am: Red v. Green; 11:30am: Blue v. Purple]

Tuesday January 21rd – **NO PRACTICE**

Saturday January 25th - Game [10:30am: Red v. Purple; 11:30am: Blue v. Green]

Tuesday January 28th - Practice

Saturday February 1rd - Game [10:30 am: Red v. Blue; 11:30 am: Green v. Purple]

Tuesday February 4th – Practice

Saturday February 8th - Game [10:30am: Red v. Purple; 11:30am: Blue v. Green]

Tuesday February 11th – Practice

Saturday February 15th - Game [10:30am: Red v. Green; 11:30am: Blue v. Purple]

Tuesday February 18th – Practice

Saturday February 22th - Game [10:30 am: Red v. Blue; 11:30 am: Green v. Purple]

Tuesday February 25th - Practice

Saturday March 1st - Game [10:30am: Red v. Green; 11:30am: Blue v. Purple]

Tuesday March 4th – **NO PRACTICE**

Saturday March 8th - Game [10:30am: Red v. Purple; 11:30am: Blue v. Green]

Tuesday March 11th – Practice

Saturday March 15th - PLAYOFFS ROUND 1

Game A:  #2  TBD  vs  #3  TBD    @ 10:30am

     Game B:   #1  TBD  vs  #4  TBD    @ 11:30 am

  Tuesday March 18th – **NO PRACTICE**

 Saturday March 22rd - CHAMPIONSHIP

      TBD   vs    TBD   @ 10:30 am


2024-2025 Rosters

K-1st Grade Division:

Team Red:           Coach –Jim Zogorski & Ashleigh Newlin

Emily Zogorski
Sienna Newlin
Mabel Downey
Sean Downey
Dominic Gribbin
Oliver Alvarez
Reed McKenna
Kaia Reinhart

Team Blue:          Coach – David Taylor & Craig Miller

Luke Taylor
Anthony Miller
Austin Arabia
Luke Wojciechowicz
Samuel Dailey
Gavin Beals
Brayden Brothman
Grayson D'Andrea

Team Green:       Coach –Steve O'Donnell

Stephen Odonnell
Mason Practico
Weston Hutchinson
Michael Sobotka
Vincent Warzocha
William Beirn
Jackson Mosovitz

Team Purple:      Coach - Kevin Lynch & Avery Kocur

Leia Lynch
Madison Brothamn
Edward Maxwell
Brad Adams
Drew Neumann
Ehtan Buckalew
Flynn Bluestein
Liam MacDonald
Addison Horton

Team Orange:    Coach – Jon Schernecke & Rus Chichkin

Justin Shernecke
Trey Ulrick
Kyler McGovern
Jaden Dornisch
Rudy Klapach
Adam Mathew
Theodore Kahmer
Andrew Welke

Team Black:         Coach – Ed Woltemate

Austin Woltemate
Colin Hoffman
Mathis Carvalho
Bane Rodriguez
Cameron Beamer
Kolbe Murnane
Patrick Nally
Charlie Harrigan

Team Pink:     Coach - Michael Beverly

Michael Beverly
George Cesarini
Shayne Green
Emanuel Diamantas
Kyle Fisher
James Overline
Jacob Gallagher

Team Gray:     Coach - Joe DiPipi

Michael DiPipi
Declan Vassallo
Stephen Gibson
Donald McClure
Oliver Swank
Ryan Hipp
Parker Feingold
Emmit Santiago

2nd-3rd Grade Division:

Team Red:           Coach – Charles Winslow

Taelor Winslow
Jakob Dolson
James Cimorelli
Connor Harta
Michael Harta
Christian Seiple
Weston Van't
Haley Rofflard
Piper Curran
Anthony Rolando

Team Blue:          Coach –James Saur

Kane Beamer
Eric Rodriguez
Dean Plotts
Landon Saur
Maeve Crossin
Marali Schenck
Michael Meloscia
Daniel Chacker
Ethan Fisher

Team Green:       Coach – Joe Dipipi

Jason Gratten
Gerald Gallagher
Hunter Humes
Benjamin Klug
Joe Dipipi
Bobby Gallagher
Nolan Vasallo
Chris Gold
Bryson Soto
Joseph Whiteley

Team Purple:      Coach –Matt Sullock

Mason Shock
Sydney Sulock
Vaughn Kiker
Vincent Wilson
Chelsea Oswald
Averie Horton
Kylie Quinn
Jaxon McKenna
Jaylen Luber
Madyson Cramer

Team Orange:    Coach –Sean Deering

Lacey Deering
Mila Lynch
Keira Driscoll
Mary Kate Rahill
James Welsh
Kevin Wimsey
Mike Selgrath
Jake Moresi
Andrew Buckalow

Team Black:         Coach –Tyler Shead

CJ Shead
Emily Hack
Scarlett Harrigan
Lucas Dempsey
Liam Swank
Nolan Harbison
Max Thieroff
John Perrone
Nicolas Daly
Owen Baum

4th-6th Grade Division:

Team Red:           Coach –Sean Deering

Brayden Deering
Dylan Deering
Christian Oswald
Oliver Kiefer
Landon Collins
Rick Fischer
George Clark
Lorenzo DiLucca
Liam Huber
Christopher Foley


Team Blue:          Coach –Craig Dolson

Kurt Dolson
Lukas Dolson
Lilyanna Pietri
Mira Holland
Owen Smith
Carson Fluehr
Drake Callahan
Martin Overline
Chase Harding
Xander Rothstein


Team Green:               Coach –Courtney Wojtusik

Nicholas Wojtusik
David Corso Corso
Joey Corso Corso
Logan Corso Corso
Matthew Krakopolsky
Brenden Pfeiffer
Logan Guillaume
Noah Wieczorek
Brantley Wiggins
Joshua Heron

Team Purple:      Coach –Matt Dale

Skylar Slade
Julie Hack
Khloe DiGiacomo
Jack Kerr
Daniel Yater
Sean Fletcher
Edward Henwood
Michael Poderis
Kason Reinhart
Jackson Schmalbach


Registration Listing

No Programs are Currently Displayed

There are no programs or divisions available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.

Initial General Info. on League Dates/Times/Fees

League begins in first or second week of 2025---General Schedule Info. Below-- see each team's more specific schedule as well

*Kindergarten and 1st Grade League-- Cost $75:
-practice/games will occur during their Saturday time slots-- teams will be assigned either the first time slot or second time slot on Saturday.

Saturday @ Community Center 8:00am to 9:15am
Saturday @ Community Center 9:15am to 10:30am

*2nd and 3rd Grade League-- Cost $100:
 -practice will occur on Wednesday at Davis Elementary School
 - games will occur on Friday at Davis Elementary School

Practice Times are on WEDNESDAY at either: 6:15pm-7pm; 7pm-7:45pm or 7:45pm-8:30pm
Game Times are on FRIDAY at either 6:15-7:15pm, 7:15-8:15pm, or 8:15-9:15pm

*4th through 6th Grade League-- Cost $100:
-practice will occur at Davis Elementary School on Tuesdays
-games will occur at the Community Center on Saturdays

Practice Times on Tuesday at Davis -- are either 6:15pm-7:15pm or 7:15pm-8:15pm

Game Times on Saturday at the Community Center-- are either10:30am to 11:30am or 11:30am-12:30pm

This is the General Schedule Info.--- actual schedules will be posted below; the above schedule MAY change depending on the number of registrants, teams, gym availability; if a black out date or weather affect a practice or game day then said, practice or game may be cancelled and not made up or may be played on a different day than noted above-- see actual schedule below for details.

As a part of their registration fee, each player will receive a Southampton In-House jersey/shirt.


Registration  DEADLINE is  11/30/24 to allow for proper planning.  Divisions typically fill up PRIOR to the deadline, so do NOT wait;  space is limited, and you will NOT be personally notified when divisions are filled; thus, register immediately; further, do NOT register your child for a division that does not comply with their actual grade; if you do, your child will be removed, and you will be refunded your registration fee LESS any processing fees.

• All registrations are ONLINE.

• Please VOLUNTEER!   

• Please refer to the REFUND POLICY.

Words To Live By


Southampton Basketball
P.O. Box 135 
Southampton, Pennsylvania 18966

Email: [email protected]

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