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Upper Southampton Basketball

Upper Southampton Basketball


2024-2025 Upper Southampton TRAVEL Basketball Try-Out Schedule


Location for ALL tryouts: Upper Southampton Rec Center: 913 Willow St, Southampton, PA 18966


TRYOUTS ARE CLOSED—we ask the parent/guardian to walk your child in, fill out the player tryout form so we have the necessary information we need, and then you must leave and return to pick your child up at the conclusion.  Doors will be closed to the gym during tryouts.


What to bring: Water and a Basketball


Basketball Size:  

- All girl teams and boy teams 3rd through 6th grade use a size 6, 28.5 circumference; 

- 7th & 8th grade boys use size 7, 29.5 circumference

**if you do not have the correct size at home, you do NOT have to buy a ball to try out

Registration-- you do NOT need to register in order to try out for a travel team.  Registration will only occur if you make a travel team.

PLAYERS SHOULD ATTEND BOTH TRYOUTS to maximize their time being viewed by the evaluators.



Friday 9/13/24


6:00pm to 6:45pm

3rdGrade Boys

Coach Brian Fox

6:45pm to 7:30pm

4thGrade Boys

Coach Jason Chacker

7:30pm to 8:15pm

5thGrade Girls

Coach Matt Netterville

8:15pm to 9:00pm

6thGrade Girls

Coach Victoria Winslow


Saturday 9/14/24




9:00am to 10:00am

8thGrade Girls

Coach Bob Lynch

10:00am to 11:00am

3rdGrade Girls

New Team- Need a Coach

11:00am to 12:00pm

4thGrade Girls

New Team- Need a Coach




5:00pm to 6:00pm

5thGrade Boys

Coach Bob Lynch

6:00pm to 7:00pm

7thGrade Boys

Coach Fred MacConnell

7:00pm to 8:00pm

6thGrade Boys

Coach Jake Cramer

8:00pm to 9:00pm

8thGrade Boys

Coach Todd Nobili



Sunday 9/15/24

OPEN – depending on turnout/need for additional player review, we have extra time slots between 12:30pm to 4:30pm that could be used to ask players to come back


Saturday 9/21/24


4:00pm to 5:00pm

3rdGrade Boys

Coach Brian Fox

5:00pm to 6:00pm

4thGrade Boys

Coach Jason Chacker

6:00pm to 7:00pm

6thGrade Girls

Coach Victoria Winslow

7:00pm to 8:00pm


8:00pm to 9:00pm

8th Grade Boys (***NEW TIME SLOT...was moved back from 7pm)

Coach Todd Nobili



Sunday 9/22/24


4:00pm to 5:00pm

3rdGrade Girls


AND (split court)


4thGrade Girls

New Team- Need a Coach




Coach Bridget Weidenburner
Coach Joseph Weidenburner
Coach Gina Meehl

5:00pm to 6:00pm

5thGrade Girls

Coach Matt Netterville

6:00pm to 7:00pm

7thGrade Boys

Coach Fred MacConnell

7:00pm to 8:00pm

6thGrade Boys

Coach Jake Cramer

8:00pm to 9:00pm

5thGrade Boys

Coach Bob Lynch

9:00pm to 10:00pm

8thGrade Girls

Coach Bob Lynch



Updates are posted on our Website and Facebook….All Facebook updates are also automatically posted on our website homepage for those who do not have Facebook.


The 3rd & 4th grade girls teams are “NEW” teams this year; thus, we need leaders to step up for both of those potential teams.  If your child is interested in playing travel in those grades, PLEASE spread the word about tryouts, recruit others to come out, and if interested in coaching, please reach out to our board via email: [email protected]

*Southampton Travel teams compete in the ICBA and follow ICBA roster rules, limiting the amount of out of township players on each team.  Out of township members are welcome to tryout, but selection on the team is based upon following those rules and guidelines:

*Tryouts will be conducted by the teams’ head coach, board members and/or other talent evaluators.  The rosters will be selected by evaluators.

*Roster size may vary team to team, but ultimately, you are looking at a minimum of 8 and maximum of 12 per team, with it most likely being around 10 players per team.


Travel Team Registration Fee—$225.00 (only if you make the travel team)

UNIFORMS and Swag Shop--   Uniform costs are separate from registration fee and will be paid directly to the uniform company to keep costs as low as we can.

General Information

Tryouts:  generally in September/October

Practice Starts: typically team practices start the first week of November

Season: First ICBA travel games are usually the 2nd week of December, and then there is a break for the holidays, and then games every week through January, February with Playoffs starting in early March.

Pre-Season Tournament- some teams will play in the ICBA King of Court tournament, which take place at the end of November and first two weeks of December.

Travel Basketball Philosophy

The Southampton Basketball Travel program is well suited for the players who seek to improve their skill sets while performing in a high level of competition.  Travel programs do just that - they travel to other townships who share in the excitement and challenge of competitive sports. 

In theory, there is a clear demarcation between purely recreational pursuits and competitive sports.   Travel programs are designed to place a greater emphasis on competition and achievement than an intramural (in-house) program.  Travel basketball teams works to attain success through rigorous practice and an increased competition schedule.  Typically, players and teams strive to increase their physical fitness, improve their basketball related skill-sets, and enhance their knowledge of the game while participating in a travel level program.   Competitive sport involves not only contests, but it also tends to advance as a central theme:  consistent progress and level advancement.  Additionally, there are higher expectations regarding both performance and commitment to the sport in the recreational sphere. 

We believe that youth sporting events, at all levels, should be a healthy, fun, and positive aspect of a young person’s life. Participation in sports should impart lifelong values, which are the behavioral foundation of our future generation.  Southampton Basketball takes pride in our players and in turn, we expect they take pride in representing their community and themselves.  Our goal, with the reliance on voluntary coaches,  is to teach strong moral values and outstanding character in both word and by example. We insist that no matter the ability, commitment, or competitive level of our travel teams or individual players,  we embody the philosophy of good sportsmanship.

2023-2024 Travel Teams - Boys

2024-2025 Boys Travel Teams--  will be listed here after tryouts

2023-2024 Travel Teams - Girls

2024-2025 Girls Travel Teams-- will be listed here after tryouts



Player Jersey #s must comply with the following requirement:  DIGITS  0-5 only; the smallest number is 00, and the largest # is 55; we cannot have a 00 and a 0; any other combo of digits 0-5 are permitted (for clarity-- you cannot have a number with 6, 7, 8, or 9 in it).

Coach's will coordinate with their players to work out uniform numbers. The uniform store (Runaround) will advise us of any conflicts in players numbers-- if that occurs, we will reach out to you for a new number.

ALL TRAVEL PLAYERS ARE REQUIRED TO PURCHASE A TEAM UNIFORM and A TEAM PRACTICE PINNIE-- OUR UNIFORM & PINNIE are the SAME this year (2023-2024),  as last year.  Thus, if you are a returning travel player, and your uniform from last year still fits, you can use it again this year.

Here is the link for the travel basketball uniform and pinnie:

***REMINDER-- BEFORE YOU PAY ONLINE- talk to your team Coach to make sure the number selected is proper and/or not already taken!

UNIFORM STORE CLOSES ON (10/18/20023 at 11:59pm )--- please order your uniform immediately
DO NOT BE LATE with your uniform order- there is a four week turnaround on the uniforms and in order for them to arrive on time for the first tournament/game.

There is also a long sleeve hooded tee that is available for purchase- players typically wear these during game warmups and while on the bench; they are not required, but may be purchased.

SPIRIT WEAR SHOP-- for anyone interested in order some SOUTHAMPTON KNIGHTS SWAG-- please click the link below

SPIRIT WEAR SHOP CLOSES ON:  October 25, 2023 at 11:59pm

Registration Listing

No Programs are Currently Displayed

There are no programs or divisions available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.


Southampton Basketball
P.O. Box 135 
Southampton, Pennsylvania 18966

Email: [email protected]

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